uid=EDI,o=EDI,dc=edirepository,dc=org all uid=SBC,o=LTER,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org all uid=lkui,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org all public read edi.140 doi:10.6073/pasta/d302929b97723a1425364e1a19efbf55 shallow subtidal fish - sbc lter SBC LTER Darwin Core Archive: Kelp Forest Reef Fish Abundance SBC MBON Marine Science Institute,University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150 US sbcbon@msi.ucsb.edu Daniel C Reed dan.reed@lifesci.ucsb.edu https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3015-8717 2018-01-20 English These data describe the abundance of reef fish as part of the Santa Barbara Coastal LTER program (SBC LTER) to track long-term patterns in kelp forest reef species abundance and diversity. The study began in 2000 in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, USA, and the time series is ongoing and updated approximately annually. Abundances of all taxa of resident kelp forest fish encountered along permanent transects are recorded at nine reef sites located along the mainland coast of the Santa Barbara Channel and at two sites on the north side of Santa Cruz Island. These sites reflect several oceanographic regimes in the channel and vary in distance from sources of terrestrial runoff. In these surveys, fish were counted in either a 40x2m benthic quadrat, or in the water parcel 0-2m off the bottom over the same area. This dataset is formatted as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A, occurrence core). All taxa are counted (using an open species list), and abundances are zero-filled for each taxon not encountered. This is a derived data product and less-processed data may be available. See http://sbc.lternet.edu for more information and source data, which may include additional measurements, and http://sbc.marinebon.edu for processing notes. Population Abundance Essential Biodiversity Variables BasisofRecord: HumanObservation Occurrence: OrganismQuantity Taxon: ScientificName Darwin Core Terms crypticfish Darwin Core Archive DwC fish OBIS roving diver fish count Santa Barbara Channel Marine BON Santa Barbara Coastal LTER visual fish This data package is released under the Creative Commons license Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0 , see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). This license states that consumers ("Data Users" herein) may distribute, adapt, reuse, remix, and build upon this work, as long as they give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. If redistributed, a Data User may not apply additional restrictions or technological measures that prevent access. The Data User has an ethical obligation to cite the data source appropriately in any publication or product that results from its use, and notify the data contact or creator. Communication, collaboration, or co-authorship (as appropriate) with the creators of this data package is encouraged to prevent duplicate research or publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplication or inappropriate use. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation may occur if data are used outside of the context of the original study. The Data User should be aware that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. This data package (with its components) is made available “as is” and with no warranty of accuracy or fitness for use. The creators of this data package and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for any damages resulting from misinterpretation, use or misuse of the data package or its components. http://sbc.marinebon.org/ Nearshore reefs of the Santa Barbara Channel and Channel Islands, California, USA -120.33349 -119.5416933 34.471817 34.3916319 2000-08-01 2016-07-27 SBC MBON Information Manager, SBC Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Marine Science Institute University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-6150 United States sbcbon@msi.ucsb.edu http://sbc.marinebon.org SBC Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Marine Science Institute, University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-6150 United States One of the main strengths of the long term ecological research program is that it allows us to evaluate changes in the ecological community against the background of natural long-term variability. This long-term context is particularly important when we seek to distinguish between changes caused by natural processes and those caused by human activities. SBC LTER has undertaken long-term measurements of the abundance of reef algae, invertebrates and fish within permanent transects at 11 kelp forest sites in the Santa Barbara Channel. These data represent one of the core research activities of SBC LTER and they provide a relatively comprehensive description of community structure and dynamics of kelp forest communities within our study region. The number, size and species identity of reef fish are recorded within a 2 m wide swath centered along each transect extending 2 m off the bottom. See the protocol document for more information SBC LTER Kelp Forest Community Structure Methods - Density of Reef Fish-20130524 dreed http://sbc.lternet.edu/external/Reef/Protocols/Kelp_Forest_Community_Dynamics/SBC_LTER_protocol_Reed_Kelp_forest_community_Density_fish_20130524.pdf Santa Barbara Channel Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Dr. Robert J Miller Marine Science Institute University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-6150 United States 805 893 6174 miller@msi.ucsb.edu Principal Investigator Dr. Daniel Reed Marine Science Institute University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-6150 United States 805 893 8363 reed@lifesci.ucsb.edu Co-Principal Investigator Dr. David Siegel Institute for Computational Earth System Science University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-3060 United States 805 893 4547 davey@icess.ucsb.edu Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Craig Carlson Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-9620 United States 805 893 2541 craig.carlson@lifesci.ucsb.edu Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Kevin D Lafferty US Geological Survey Western Ecological Research Center University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106 United States Klafferty@usgs.gov Co-Principal Investigator Dr. B.S. Manjunath Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-9560 United States 805 893 7112 manj@ece.ucsb.edu Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Andrew Rassweiler Department of Biological Science Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306-4295 United States 850 644 1555 rassweiler@bio.fsu.edu Co-Principal Investigator The Santa Barbara Channel Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (SBC MBON) is designed to provide a complete picture of marine biodiversity in the region. SBC MBON is developing a widely applicable research model that integrates new information with existing data to improve current research and monitoring programs and provide greater insight into marine biodiversity. MBON is funded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). SBCMBON-LTER fish survey LTER benthic community survey, fish abundance, all years sbclter_Level2_reef_fish_DwCA_20170523.csv 9533876 7c051981c60bd7f78067c8381c13d7ad 1 \r\n column , https://pasta.lternet.edu/package/data/eml/edi/140/1/fd5eb4005b4b0be27614819363f14b42 occurrenceID occurrence ID occurrence ID string any text basisOfRecord basis Of Record basis Of Record string any text locationID location ID location ID string any text decimalLatitude Latitude Site latitude float degree 1e-04 real NA value not recorded or not available decimalLongitude Longitude Site longitude float degree 1e-04 real NA value not recorded or not available eventDate Date Date of survey date yyyy-mm-dd eventRemark event Remark event Remark string any text samplingProtocol samplingProtocol Water column a fish survey located: Canopy, Midwater, or Bottom. string any text sampleSizeValue sampleSizeValue The area or volume of the sampling size float number 1 integer NA value not recorded or not available sampleSizeUnit sampleSizeUnit The unit for the sampling area or volume string any text NA value not recorded or not available ScientificName Taxon name Taxon name, usually species binomial or other taxon name string any text taxonID Authoritative Taxon Code Taxon code assigned by an authoritative source string any text nameAccordingtoID Authoritative Taxon Code Source Name of the athority or registry assigning the Authoritative Taxon Code string any text NA value not recorded or not available organismQuantity organismQuantity Number of organisms counted float number 1 integer NA value not recorded or not available occurrentceStatus occurrentceStatus occurrentce Status string any text organismQuantityType organismQuantityType organismQuantityType string any text 43610 SBCMBON-LTER fish survey meta file The meta file associated with the LTER fish survey data meta.xml 1457 cc2874553d39b21117f74de58ecd4cc4 XML document https://pasta.lternet.edu/package/data/eml/edi/140/1/2943959f60c9f7200b955bc61131c48d otherEntity 360 degrees comprise a unit circle. a number