NSF Citation Report: SBC-III Year 5, Calendar year 2017, Total Number: 43. Generation date: 2010-10-01 @article{sbclter-bibliography-1228, title={Macroscale patterns in body size of intertidal crustaceans provide insights on climate change effects}, author={Jaramillo, E and Dugan, JE and Hubbard, DM and Contreras, H and Duarte, C and Acuna, E}, year={2017}, journal={PLoS ONE}, volume={ 12}, pages={0177116}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.1371/journal.pone.0177116}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1230, title={Major shifts at the range edge of marine forests: the combined effects of climate changes and limited dispersal}, author={Assis, J and Berecibar, E and Claro, B and Alberto, F and Reed, DC and Raimondi, PT and Serrao, EA}, year={2017}, journal={Scientific Reports}, volume={7}, pages={44348}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.1038/srep44348}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1231, title={Fluctuations in population fecundity drive demographic connectivity and structure metapopulation dynamics}, author={Castorani, MC and Reed, DC and Raimondi, PT and Alberto, F and Bell, TW and Siegel, DA and Simons, RD}, year={2017}, journal={Proceedings of the Royal Society B}, volume={284}, pages={20162086}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.1098/rspb.2016.2086}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1232, title={Persistent spatial structuring of coastal ocean acidification in the California Current System.}, author={Chan, F and Barth, J and Blanchette, CA and Byrne, R and Chavez, F and Cheriton, O and Feely, R and Friederich, G and Gaylord, BP and gouhier, T and Hacker, S and Hill, T and Hofmann, GE and McManus, M and Menge, B and Nielsen, K and Russell, A and Sanford, E and Sevadjian, J and Washburn, L}, year={2017}, journal={Nature Scientific Reports}, volume={7}, pages={2526}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.1038/s41598-017-02777-y}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1234, title={Assessing controls on cross-shelf phytoplankton and suspended particle distributions using repeated bio-optical glider surveys}, author={Hendrikx Freitas, F and Siegel, DA and Washburn, L and Halewood, S and Stassinos, E}, year={2016}, journal={Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans}, volume={121}, pages={7776-7794}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.1002/2016JC011781}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1235, title={Satellite assessment of particulate matter and phytoplankton variations in the Santa Barbara Channel and its surrounding waters: Role of surface waves}, author={Hendrikx Freitas, F and Siegel, DA and Maritorena, S and Fields, E}, year={2017}, journal={J. Geophys. Res. Oceans}, volume={122}, pages={355-371}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.1002/2016JC012152}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1236, title={Evaluating Carbonate System Algorithms in a Nearshore System: Does Total Alkalinity Matter?}, author={Jones, J and Sweet, J and Brzezinski, MA and McNair, H and Passow, U}, year={2016}, journal={PLoS ONE}, volume={11}, pages={e0165191}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.1371/journal.pone.0165191}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1237, title={Sensitivity of sea urchin fertilization to pH varies across a natural pH mosaic}, author={Kapsenberg, L and Okamoto, DK and Dutton, J and Hofmann, GE}, year={2017}, journal={Ecology and Evolution}, volume={7}, pages={1737-1750}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.1002/ece3.2776}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1238, title={A year in the life of a central California kelp forest: physical and biological insights into carbon cycling}, author={Koweek, D and Nickols, KJ and pleary, P and Litvin, S and Bell, TW and Luthin, T and Mucciarone, D and Dunbar, R and Lummis, S}, year={2017}, journal={Biogeosciences}, volume={14}, pages={31-44}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.5194/bg-14-31-2017}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1239, title={Global patterns of kelp forest change over the past half-century}, author={Krumhans, K and Okamoto, DK and Rassweiler, A and Novak, M and Bolton, J and Cavanaugh, KC and Connell_, S and Johnson_, C and Conar, B and Ling, S and Micheli, F and Norderhaug, K and Perez-Matus, A and Sousa-Pinto, I and Reed, DC and Salomon, A and Shears, N and Wernberg, T and Anderson, R and Barrett, N and Buschmann, A and Carr, M and Caselle, J and Derrien-Courtel, S and Edgar, G and Edwards, M and Estes, J and Goodwin, C and Kenner, M and Kushner, D and Moy, F and Nunn, J and Steneck, R and Vásquez, J and Watson, J and Witman, J and Byrnes, JE}, year={2016}, journal={Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci}, volume={113}, pages={13785-13790}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.1073/pnas.1606102113}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1240, title={Assessment of control methods for the invasive seaweed Sargassum horneri in California, USA}, author={Marks, LM and Reed, DC and Obaza, }, year={2016}, journal={Management of Biological Invasions}, volume={8}, pages={205–213}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.3391/mbi.2017.8.2.08}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1241, title={An evaluation of ISFET sensors for coastal pH monitoring applications}, author={McLaughlin, K and Dickson, A and Weisberg, S and Coale, K and Elrod, V and chunter, C and Johnson, K and Dramb, S and Kudela, R and Martz, T and Negrey, K and Passow, U and Shaughnessy, F and Smith, J and Tadesse, D and Washburn, L and Weis, K}, year={2017}, journal={Regional Studies in Marine Science}, volume={12}, pages={11}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.1016/j.rsma.2017.02.008}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @article{sbclter-bibliography-1243, title={Extreme warming challenges sentinel status of kelp forests as indicators of climate change}, author={Reed, DC and Washburn, L and Rassweiler, A and Miller, RJ and Bell, TW and Harrer, S}, year={2016}, journal={Nature Communications}, volume={7}, pages={13757}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, doi={10.1038/ncomms13757}, peer_reviewed={true}, } @mastersthesis{sbclter-bibliography-1246, title={Establishing formainifera based biofacies within shallow marine deposits, Carpinteria Slough, CA. Implications for southern California sea-level studies}, author={Bentz, M}, year={2016}, institution={University of California, Santa Barbara}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, peer_reviewed={unknown}, } @phdthesis{sbclter-bibliography-1247, title={Late Quaternary Evolution of the Southern California Coast: Sea-Level Change, Storms, and Subsidence}, author={Reynolds, LI}, year={2017}, institution={University of California, Santa Barbara}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, peer_reviewed={unknown}, } @mastersthesis{sbclter-bibliography-1248, title={Anthropogenic disturbance facilitates a non-native species on offshore oil platforms}, author={Viola, SV}, year={2016}, institution={University of California, Santa Barbara}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, peer_reviewed={unknown}, } @phdthesis{sbclter-bibliography-1249, title={Bottom-up drivers of bacterial community composition and metabolism of dissolved organic carbon in the Santa Barbara Channel, CA}, author={Wear, EK}, year={2017}, institution={University of California, Santa Barbara}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, peer_reviewed={unknown}, } @{sbclter-bibliography-1250, title={The Golden Forest (LTER Schoolyard Series)}, author={Blanchette, CA and Dugan, JE}, federal_support={unknown}, status={awaiting publication}, peer_reviewed={unknown}, } @book{sbclter-bibliography-1251, title={Santa Barbara Area Coastal Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment}, author={Myers, M and Cayan, D and Iacobellis, S and Melack, JM and Beighley, R and Barnard, P and Dugan, JE and Page, HM}, year={2017}, publisher={NOAA}, federal_support={unknown}, status={published}, peer_reviewed={unknown}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1252, title={Spatio-temporal patterns of nutrient fluxes as a function of hydrologic variability, land cover and fires in coastal California catchments}, author={Aquilera, R and Melack, JM and Goodridge, BM}, year={2016}, booktitle={American Geophysical Union - fall meeting}, note={presentation at conference: American Geophysical Union - fall meeting}, address={San Francisco, CA}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1253, title={Linkages between rainfall regimes and storage-discharge relations under climate variability in coastal California watersheds (Poster GC13-1210)}, author={Chen, H and Jones, C and Melack, JM}, year={2016}, booktitle={American Geophysical Union - fall meeting}, note={presentation at conference: American Geophysical Union - fall meeting}, address={San Francisco, CA}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1254, title={Record of pluvials from Southern California}, author={Reynolds, LC and Simms, AR and Ejarque, A and Anderson, S and Rockwell, T and Yusuke, Y and Peters, R}, year={2016}, booktitle={American Geophysical Union - fall meeting}, note={presentation at conference: American Geophysical Union - fall meeting}, address={San Francisco, CA}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1255, title={Derivative analysis demonstrates the potential and limitations for deriving phytoplankton community structure from hyperspectral ocean color observations (Poster)}, author={Catlett, D and Siegel, DA and Guillocheau, N}, year={2017}, booktitle={ASLO, AGU, TOS - Ocean Sciences}, note={presentation at conference: ASLO, AGU, TOS - Ocean Sciences}, address={Honolulu, HI}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1256, title={Estimating DOC availability in the Santa Barbara Channel with Marine Bioreactors}, author={Huynh, N and Carlson, CA and kopalk, K and Wear, EK}, year={2017}, booktitle={ASLO, AGU, TOS - Ocean Sciences}, note={presentation at conference: ASLO, AGU, TOS - Ocean Sciences}, address={Honolulu, HI}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1257, title={Formation and propagation of a novel coccolithophore bloom in the Santa Barbara Channel}, author={Matson, P and Gotschalk, C and Ladd, T and Siegel, DA and Washburn, L and Iglesias-Rodriguez, D}, year={2017}, booktitle={ASLO, AGU, TOS - Ocean Sciences}, note={presentation at conference: ASLO, AGU, TOS - Ocean Sciences}, address={Honolulu, HI}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1258, title={El Niño coupled with anomalous ocean warming challenge sentinel status of giant kelp as an indicator of climate change}, author={Reed, DC and Washburn, L and Rassweiler, A and Miller, RJ and Bell, TW and Harrer, S}, year={2017}, booktitle={ASLO, AGU, TOS - Ocean Sciences}, note={presentation at conference: ASLO, AGU, TOS - Ocean Sciences}, address={Honolulu, HI}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1259, title={Hyperspectral remote sensing: Unlocking process in a marine foundation species}, author={Bell, TW and Siegel, DA}, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1260, title={Scale dependence of bottom-up versus demographic controls on the dynamics of giant kelp forests}, author={Bell, TW and Siegel, DA}, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1261, title={Novel insight into metapopulation theory through long-term study of giant kelp forests}, author={Castorani, MC and Reed, DC and Raimondi, PT and Alberto, F and Bell, TW and Cavanaugh, KC and Siegel, DA and Simons, RD}, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1262, title={Patterns and processes affecting the transport, retention and fate of trophic subsidies to sandy beach ecosystems (Poster)}, author={Dugan, JE and Miller, RJ and Ohlmann, JC and Hubbard, DM and Emery, K and Madden, J and Koeper, T}, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1263, title={Species identity controls consumer-mediated ecosystem function in a sandy beach ecosystem (Poster)}, author={Emery, K and Dugan, JE and Miller, RJ}, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1264, title={Coastal fog and plant flammability in California shrublands}, author={Emery, N}, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1265, title={Testing the role of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, as a foundation species: insights from long-term studies}, author={Lamy, T}, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1266, title={Chaparral succession during drought conditions and linking field measurements with hyperspectral imagery.}, author={Ma, S}, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1267, title={Managing Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) data for secondary use}, author={O'Brien, MC and Miller, RJ and lkui, }, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1268, title={The role of long-term ecological research programs for testing metacommunity theory and understanding biodiversity patterns}, author={Sokol, E and Rassweiler, A and et al, }, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1269, title={Evaluating the link between metacommunity stability and environmental variability across trophic groups represented at LTER sites}, author={Voelker, N and Castorani, MC and et al, }, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1270, title={Patterns and processes affecting the transport, retention and fate of trophic subsidies to sandy beach ecosystems (Poster)}, author={Dugan, JE and Miller, RJ and Ohlmann, JC and Hubbard, DM and Emery, K and Madden, J and Koeper, T}, year={2017}, booktitle={Ecological Society of America}, note={presentation at conference: Ecological Society of America}, address={Portland, OR}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1271, title={Scale dependence of bottom-up vs. demographic controls on the dynamics of giant kelp forests}, author={Bell, TW and Siegel, DA}, year={2016}, booktitle={Western Society of Naturalists}, note={presentation at conference: Western Society of Naturalists}, address={Monterey, CA}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1272, title={Geographic variation in the structure of California’s sandy beach ecosystems}, author={Nielsen, K and Wood, M and Dugan, JE and Hubbard, DM and Mulligan, T and Craig, S and Laucci, R and Schooler, NK}, year={2016}, booktitle={Western Society of Naturalists}, note={presentation at conference: Western Society of Naturalists}, address={Monterey, CA}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1273, title={Baseline Characterization of Sandy Beach Ecosystems along the North Coast of California}, author={Dugan, JE and Nielsen, K and Wood, M and Hubbard, DM and Mulligan, T and Craig, S and Laucci, R and Schooler, NK}, year={2017}, booktitle={North Coast MPA Baseline Monitoring Symposium}, note={presentation at conference: North Coast MPA Baseline Monitoring Symposium}, address={Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1274, title={Impacts of urbanization on ecological condition of sandy beach ecosystems}, author={Schooler, NK and Dugan, JE and Hubbard, DM}, year={2017}, booktitle={International Urban Wildlife Conference}, note={presentation at conference: International Urban Wildlife Conference}, address={San Diego State University, CA}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, } @conference{sbclter-bibliography-1275, title={Tracking the Refugio oil spill using the Surface Current Mapping Network of the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System}, author={Washburn, L and Emery, BM and Romero, E and Johnson, C}, year={2016}, booktitle={Prevention First Symposium}, note={presentation at conference: Prevention First Symposium}, address={Long Beach, CA}, federal_support={unknown}, status={other}, peer_reviewed={false}, }