
Used by
Imported schema eml-project.xsd
Namespace eml://
'$RCSfile: eml-project.xsd,v $'
       Copyright: 1997-2002 Regents of the University of California,
                            University of New Mexico, and
                            Arizona State University
        Sponsors: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis and
                  Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans,
                     University of California Santa Barbara
                  Long-Term Ecological Research Network Office,
                     University of New Mexico
                  Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University
   Other funding: National Science Foundation (see README for details)
                  The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
     For Details:

        '$Author: obrien $'
          '$Date: 2009-02-25 23:51:54 $'
      '$Revision: 1.83 $'
moduleName: eml-project

            The eml-project module - Research context information for

recommendedUsage: Use eml-project to document the research context
        of any dataset or project.

standAlone: no
attribute form default unqualified
element form default unqualified
Schema location file:/Volumes/mob/EML_schema/EML-2.2.0/git_checkouts/eml/tmp/eml-project.xsd
Element researchProject
Namespace eml://
tooltip: research project

summary: The root element of this module.

description: The root element of this module. This is used for
        testing or if you want to instantiate a stand-alone project
Diagram NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_id NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_system NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_scope NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_title NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_personnel NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_abstract NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_funding NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_award NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_studyAreaDescription NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_designDescription NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_relatedProject NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ReferencesGroup_references resource-2_2_0.tmp#ReferencesGroup project-2_2_0.tmp#ResearchProjectType
Type ResearchProjectType
content complex
Children abstract, award, designDescription, funding, personnel, references, relatedProject, studyAreaDescription, title
<researchProject id="" scope="document" system="" xmlns="eml://">
  <personnel id="" scope="document" system="">{1,unbounded}</personnel>
  <abstract xml:lang="">{0,1}</abstract>
  <funding xml:lang="">{0,1}</funding>
  <relatedProject id="" scope="document" system="">{0,unbounded}</relatedProject>
  <references system="">{1,1}</references>
QName Type Default Use
id IDType optional
scope ScopeType document optional
system SystemType optional
<xs:element name="researchProject" type="ResearchProjectType">
    <xs:documentation>tooltip: research project summary: The root element of this module. description: The root element of this module. This is used for testing or if you want to instantiate a stand-alone project file.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/Volumes/mob/EML_schema/EML-2.2.0/git_checkouts/eml/tmp/eml-project.xsd
Complex Type ResearchProjectType
Namespace eml://
tooltip: Research project descriptor

summary: Descriptor of a research context for a dataset or another

description: The researchProject complex type describes the
        structure for documenting the research context of a dataset or another
        project. It can include research goals, motivations, theory,
        hypotheses, etc., as well as a description of research efforts that
        form the basis for other work. (To document methods specific to a
        dataset use eml-methods.) This field can be associated with a dataset
        using the project field of eml-dataset, and can be associated with
        another project using the relatedProject field of eml-project (this
Diagram NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_id NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_system NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_scope NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_title NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_personnel NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_abstract NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_funding NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_award NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_studyAreaDescription NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_designDescription NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ResearchProjectType_relatedProject NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#ReferencesGroup_references resource-2_2_0.tmp#ReferencesGroup
Used by
Children abstract, award, designDescription, funding, personnel, references, relatedProject, studyAreaDescription, title
QName Type Default Use
id IDType optional
scope ScopeType document optional
system SystemType optional
<xs:complexType name="ResearchProjectType">
    <xs:documentation>tooltip: Research project descriptor summary: Descriptor of a research context for a dataset or another project. description: The researchProject complex type describes the structure for documenting the research context of a dataset or another project. It can include research goals, motivations, theory, hypotheses, etc., as well as a description of research efforts that form the basis for other work. (To document methods specific to a dataset use eml-methods.) This field can be associated with a dataset using the project field of eml-dataset, and can be associated with another project using the relatedProject field of eml-project (this module).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="title" type="res:NonEmptyStringType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>tooltip: Project Title summary: Title of the project. description: A descriptive title for the research project.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="personnel" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>tooltip: Personnel summary: Contact and role information for people involved in the research project. description: The Personnel field extends ResponsibleParty with role information and is used to document people involved in a research project by providing contact information and their role in the project.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:extension base="rp:ResponsibleParty">
              <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:element name="role" type="rp:RoleType">
                    <xs:documentation>tooltip: Role summary: Role information for people involved in the research project. description: The role field contains information about role a person plays in a research project. There are a number of suggested roles, however, it is possible to add a role if the suggested roles are not adequate.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="abstract" type="txt:TextType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>tooltip: Abstract summary: Project Abstract. description: Descriptive abstract that summarizes information about the research project.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="funding" type="txt:TextType" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>tooltip: Funding summary: Funding information. description: The funding field is used to provide general information about the funding for a project, generally in prose form. This field is included for historical compatibility, and has been augmented by the award field that provides structured information about funding included.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="award" type="AwardType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>tooltip: Award information summary: Award information. description: The award field is used to provide specific information about the funding awards for a project in a structured format. Sub-fields are provided for the name of the funding agency, the Open Funder Registry identifiers for the agency and program that made the award, the award number assigned, the title of the award, and the URL to the award page describing the award. The award field replaces the earlier funding field from prior EML version releases. In general, the funding agency should be listed with a cross-reference to the appropriate identifier from the Open Funder Registry (included in the EML distribution, but which is also update periodically from the Open Funder Registry).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="studyAreaDescription" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>tooltip: Description of the study area. summary: Description of the physical area associated with the research project, potentially including coverage, climate, geology, disturbances, etc. description: The studyAreaDescription field documents the physical area associated with the research project. It can include descriptions of the geographic, temporal, and taxonomic coverage of the research location and descriptions of domains (themes) of interest such as climate, geology, soils or disturbances or reference to citable biological or geophysical classification systems such as the Bailey Ecoregions or the Holdridge Life Zones.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element name="descriptor">
                <xs:documentation>tooltip: Non-coverage characteristics of the study area summary: Description of non-coverage characteristics of the study area such as climate, geology, disturbances description: The descriptor field is used to document domains (themes) of interest such as climate, geology, soils or disturbances or references to citable biological or geophysical classification systems such as the Bailey Ecoregions or the Holdridge Life Zones.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:element name="descriptorValue" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                      <xs:documentation>tooltip: Description of some aspect of the study area. summary: Description of some aspect of the study area. description: The descriptorValue field contains the value of a descriptor, describing some aspect of the study area. This may either be a general description in textual form or the value part of a "name/value" pair where the name is entered in the attribute "name_or_id". For example, if the value of the "name" attribute" of the element "descriptor" is "climate", and the value of the attribute "name_or_id" of the element "descriptorValue" is "Annual Precipitation" then the value of this element could be "12.5 inches".</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                          <xs:attribute name="name_or_id" type="xs:string" use="optional">
                              <xs:documentation>tooltip: The name or ID of a descriptor value. summary: The name part of a name/value pair of a descriptor; or ID portion of a classification, if applicable. description: The name_or_id field is the name part of a name/value pair of a descriptor; or ID portion of a classification, if applicable. The values of biogeophysical classification systems, e.g. Bailey-Ecoregions, often take the form of an ID or Code along with a text representation. For example, the ID/Code M131 refers to the phrase "Open Woodland -Tundra". M131 is an unambiguous reference to a more detailed description. If one is using a published classification system then there should be a corresponding citation to the source, e.g., Bailey,R.G., 1996 "Ecosystem Geography".</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:element name="citation" type="cit:CitationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                      <xs:documentation>tooltip: citation summary: A citation for this descriptor. description: A citation for this descriptor.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="name" type="DescriptorType" use="required">
                    <xs:documentation>tooltip: name summary: The name of the descriptor system. description: The name of the descriptor system. The name can be either a theme such as climate or hydrology, or the name of a citable classification system.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:attribute name="citableClassificationSystem" type="xs:boolean" use="required">
                    <xs:documentation>tooltip: citation classification system summary: This boolean attribute defines whether this descriptor comes from a citable classification system or not. description: This boolean attribute defines whether this descriptor comes from a citable classification system or not.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="citation" type="cit:CitationType" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>tooltip: citation summary: The citation for this descriptor. description: The citation for this descriptor.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="coverage" type="cov:Coverage" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>tooltip: coverage summary: The coverage of this descriptor. description: The coverage of this descriptor.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="designDescription" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>tooltip: Description of research design summary: Description of the design of the research project description: The field designDescription contains general textual descriptions of research design. It can include detailed accounts of goals, motivations, theory, hypotheses, strategy, statistical design, and actual work. Literature citations may also be used to describe the research design.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element name="description" type="txt:TextType">
                <xs:documentation>tooltip: Description of research design summary: Textual description of research design. description: The field designDescription contains general textual descriptions of research design. It can include detailed accounts of goals, motivations, theory, hypotheses, strategy, statistical design, and actual work.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="citation" type="cit:CitationType" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>tooltip: Citation for research design summary: Citation that describes the research design. description: The citation field is a citation to literature that describes elements of the research design, such as goals, motivations, theory, hypotheses, strategy, statistical design, and actual work.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="relatedProject" type="ResearchProjectType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>tooltip: related project summary: This field is a recursive link to another project. description: This field is a recursive link to another project. This allows projects to be nested under one another for the case where one project spawns another.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:group ref="res:ReferencesGroup"/>
  <xs:attribute name="id" type="res:IDType" use="optional"/>
  <xs:attribute name="system" type="res:SystemType" use="optional"/>
  <xs:attribute name="scope" type="res:ScopeType" use="optional" default="document"/>
Schema location file:/Volumes/mob/EML_schema/EML-2.2.0/git_checkouts/eml/tmp/eml-project.xsd
Complex Type AwardType
Namespace eml://
tooltip: AwardType

summary: Information about a funding award.

            The AwardType is used to enter information about a funding award
        associated with a project.  The containing project contains the list of
        investigators and for the award, while the `award` field contains specifics
        such as the agency name, award number, and funding program identifiers.
Diagram NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#AwardType_funderName NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#AwardType_funderIdentifier NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#AwardType_awardNumber NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#AwardType_title NO_NAMESPACE.tmp#AwardType_awardUrl
Used by
Children awardNumber, awardUrl, funderIdentifier, funderName, title
<xs:complexType name="AwardType">
    <xs:documentation>tooltip: AwardType summary: Information about a funding award. resource. description: The AwardType is used to enter information about a funding award associated with a project. The containing project contains the list of investigators and for the award, while the `award` field contains specifics such as the agency name, award number, and funding program identifiers.</xs:documentation>
<funder_name>National Science Foundation</funder_name >
<title>Scientia Arctica: A Knowledge Archive for Discovery and Reproducible Science in the Arctic</title>
    <xs:element name="funderName" type="res:i18nNonEmptyStringType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>tooltip: Funder Name summary: The name of the funding institution that made this award description: The name of the funding institution, with fully expanded acronyms to show the full, official name of the funding agency. In general, this should match the official name of the funder as listed in an Authority such as the Open Funder Registry. The Open Funder Registry and other organizational authorities may provide a list of other alternative names for the funding agency.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="funderIdentifier" type="res:i18nNonEmptyStringType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>tooltip: Funder identifier summary: The identifier of the funding agency. description: The funder identifier is used to provide one or more canonical identifiers that reference the funder. These identifiers should be globally unique. The most common form of a funder identifier is a DOI identifier of an institution or program drawn from the CrossRef Open Funder Registry (, which assigns DOIs to each funding agency and to their programs, and links these together in a navigable hierarchy. A copy of the current Funder Registry is included as an RDF file with EML for reference, but as the list is constantly growing, users can retrieve new copies of the RDF file to get updates and current metadata about funders.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="awardNumber" type="res:i18nNonEmptyStringType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>tooltip: Award Number summary: The assigned award number. description: The awardNumber field provides the unique identifier used by the funder to uniquely identify an award. These are typically alphanumeric values that are unique within the system used by a given funder. The number should be listed using the canonical form that each funder uses to express its award numbers, and not be prefixed or postfixed with extra text such as the acronym of the funder or the name of the funder, which is available instead in the funderName field.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="title" type="res:i18nNonEmptyStringType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>tooltip: Title summary: The title of the award. description: The title field is used for the title of the award or grant being described.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="awardUrl" type="res:i18nNonEmptyStringType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
        <xs:documentation>tooltip: Award URL summary: The URL associated with award. description: Typically, the awardUrl is use to find and locate the award, and generally addresses the internet location to find out more information about the award. This should point to a funder site for the award, rather than a project site.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:/Volumes/mob/EML_schema/EML-2.2.0/git_checkouts/eml/tmp/eml-project.xsd
Simple Type DescriptorType
Namespace eml://
tooltip: Descriptor Theme Type

summary: The type of descriptor theme or the name of a
        classification system.

description: The DescriptorType is used to represent either the
        name of a citable classification system/controlled vocabulary such as
        the Bailey classification of ecoregions or a domain of physical
        descriptors such as climate or disturbances.
Type union of(restriction of xs:string, xs:string)
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="DescriptorType">
    <xs:documentation>tooltip: Descriptor Theme Type summary: The type of descriptor theme or the name of a classification system. description: The DescriptorType is used to represent either the name of a citable classification system/controlled vocabulary such as the Bailey classification of ecoregions or a domain of physical descriptors such as climate or disturbances.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:enumeration value="climate"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="hydrology"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="soils"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="geology"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="disturbance"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="bailey"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="biome"/>
      <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
Schema location file:/Volumes/mob/EML_schema/EML-2.2.0/git_checkouts/eml/tmp/eml-project.xsd