Data Catalog
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LTER Core Research Areas |
Data Result:
Collection | Description | Metadata and Data |
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of kelp forest community structure | Long-term data on the abundance of ~250 species of algae, invertebrates and fish, collected each summer on permanent 80 meter square transects (40 x 2m) at 9 mainland and 2 Santa Cruz Island reef sites. Data collection began in the summer of 2000 and continues annually to provide information on community structure, population dynamics and species change at local reefs. |
Abundance and size of giant kelp
Abundance and size of reef fish Abundance of algae and invertebrates Percent cover of algae, invertebrates and bottom substrate Bottom topography |
SBC LTER: Ongoing long-term kelp removal experiment | Size and abundance data of algae, invertebrates and fish collected twice per season in permanent transects (40 x 2 meter) at 4 permanent sites as part of the SBC LTER long-term kelp removal experiment. The experiment tests the consequences of consistent annual giant kelp loss arising from winter storms. The following manipulations are being currently maintained: Control- M. pyrifera surface canopy is left intact; Annual removal- M. pyrifera is removed once each winter and allowed to re-colonize over the course of the year, and Continuous removal- M. pyrifera is removed on each sampling date. The experiment began in 2008, and the continuous-removal treatment began in April, 2010. |
Abundance and size of giant kelp
Abundance and size of reef fish Abundance of algae and invertebrates Percent cover of algae, invertebrates and bottom substrate Biomass of macroalgae Biomass of macroalgal detritus Understory kelp allometrics Sea urchin size structure Irradiance (PAR) at the surface and seafloor Net primary production of macroalgae Bottom topography |
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of net primary production of giant kelp | Ongoing time series of net primary production (NPP), growth, standing crop and loss rates for Macrocystis pyrifera appropriate for examining seasonal and inter-annual patterns. Sampling is monthly at 3 reef sites, and began in 2002. Data sets of algorithm input are included (blade content, lifespan, loss and DOC exudation). |
Giant kelp NPP time-series data
Giant kelp (M. pyrifera) carbon and nitrogen content M. pyrifera blade loss dynamics M. pyrifera blade lifespan M. pyrifera DOC exudation |
SBC LTER: Time series of Landsat-derived kelp canopy biomass | Time series of kelp canopy wet biomass in central and southern California derived from the relationship between satellite (Landsat 5, 7, 8) reflectance and empirical measurements. |
Kelp canopy biomass from Landsat (California, ongoing since 1984)
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of lobster abundance and fishing pressure | Data on abundance, size and fishing pressure of California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus). Two SBC LTER study sites are in or near Marine Protected Areas (MPA). Sampling began in 2012. |
Lobster abundance, size and fishing pressure
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of larval settlement in California | Weekly to biweekly data on invertebrate settlement on artificial substrates at six sites in California |
Larval Settlement
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of Santa Cruz Island reef community structure | Time-series data on the community structure at Santa Cruz Island, including abundance of selected fish and their food (algae) resources, benthic cover, density of kelp and occurance of Pycnopodia helianthoides. Earliest surveys began in 1982 and continues annually. |
Abundance and age structure of Surfperch and Garibaldi
Percent cover of algae, invertebrates and bottom substrate Biomass of macroalgae Abundance and size of giant kelp Abundance of Pycnopodia helianthoides |
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of daily irradiance | Daily photon irradiance at the surface and reef bottom at the kelp removal experiment sites. |
Daily Irradiance, surface and seafloor
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of reef sea floor temperature | High frequency water temperature data has been collected from benthic sites at 9 coastal reefs at ~7m depth beginning in 2002. |
Bottom temperature
Historical kelp database (ISP Alginates) | Long term data on the abundance of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) in 109 local beds in California and Mexico as estimated from routine aerial surveys (1958-2005) conducted by ISP Alginates (formerly Kelco Co.) |
Historical kelp database
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of CTD and water chemistry profiles | Profiles of seawater constituents collected by CTD and water sampling at our nearshore reef stations have been ongoing since November 2000. Rosette bottle profiles include associated CTD parameters. |
Nearshore CTD and Rosette Bottle Profiles
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of moored instruments | Currents and hydrography data have been collected by at several reef sites since 2001 to observe patterns of transport and processing. Sites are located on the outer edge of kelp forests in 10-16m of water. Instruments include: bottom-mounted acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP), CTD mounted in mid-water and thermistors mounted at bottom, midwater and near the surface. Data were aggregated into 1m bins and interpolated onto a 20 min grid. |
Alegria (ALE): 2001-ongoing
Arroyo Quemado (ARQ): 2004-ongoing (also see AQM, with inactive sites) Naples (NAP): 2001-ongoing Mohawk (MKO): 2005-ongoing Carpinteria (CAR): 2001-ongoing |
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of pH from SeaFET, with calibration | SeaFET instruments have been deployed at four SBC reefs starting in 2011. Time-series are of of pH, plus and CO2 system parameters derived from the "CO2calc" algorithms. Reported time interval matches that reported for other moored instruments. Benchmark water samples are also available at moored stations, plus from other subtidal and intertidal stations. |
Alegria Reef: 2011-ongoing
Arroyo Quemado Reef: 2012-ongoing Mohawk Reef: 2012-ongoing Santa Barbara Harbor/Stearns Wharf: 2012-ongoing Benchmark water samples pH for field calibration, with CO2 system parameters |
SBC LTER: Other moored instruments | Currents and hydrography data have been collected intermittently at several reef sites. Instruments deployed intermittently include: bottom-mounted acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP), CTD mounted in mid-water and thermistors mounted at bottom, mid-water and near the surface. Data were aggregated into 1m bins and interpolated onto a 20 min grid. |
Arroyo Quemado (AQM): 2001-2004 (may be manually added to active site
Arroyo Burro: intermittent since 2004 |
Santa Barbara Harbor: Long term surface temperature (reference) | Surface seawater temperature collected daily at Santa Barbara Harbor, Santa Barbara, CA, from 1955 to 2004, and is currently supported by the Scripps Insitution of Oceanography Manual Shore Stations program. The dataset will recommence after calibration issues have been resolved. |
Surface temperature, Santa Barbara Harbor
SBC LTER: Sightings of sea otters (ongoing since 2007) | Location, number and behavior of sea otters (Enhydra lutris) in the Santa Barbara Channel area, observed during other SBC sampling events. |
Sea otter sightings, Santa Barbara Channel area
Wave height and period from CDIP | Daily and monthly averages of modeled significant wave height (Hs) and peak wave period (Tp) in the Santa Barbara Coastal area from the Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP, |
Mean CDIP Hs and Tp
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of macroalgal wrack | Composition, cover and biomass of macroalgal wrack in the intertidal zone of selected sandy beaches |
Time series of wrack cover and biomass at selected beaches
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of beach birds and stranded kelp | Abundance and species richness of birds, abundance of stranded kelp plants and holdfasts, humans and dogs during monthly surveys |
Beach birds and stranded kelp
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of beach macroinvertebrates | Composition, count and biomass of macroinvertebrates in the intertidal zone of selected sandy beaches |
Time series of macroinvertebrates counts and biomass at selected
Daily precipitation at UCSB200 (reference) | Precipitation data collected daily from 1951 - 2008,by the Santa Barbara County Public Works Deptartment and updated annually. High frequency data from this station (UCSB200) starting in 2000 is also available. |
Precipitation at UC Santa Barbara
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of high-frequency precipitation | Since 2002, SBC has collected high-frequency precipitation data at 15-25 stations (site coverage varies by year). These sites have ongoing data collections. |
Carpinteria at Veddar's Ranch
El Capitan at State Beach El Capitan at Upper Bill Wallace Trail Gobernador at Veddar's Ranch Gaviota at Hwy 101 N rest stop Gaviota at Las Cruces School Arroyo Hondo at East Avocado Orchard Arroyo Hondo at Upper Outlaw Trail Refugio at State Park Refugio at Lower Aguacitos Ranch Refugio at Upper Aguacitos Ranch Refugio at Rancho La Scherpa |
Santa Barbara County: Precipitation from Santa Barbara County FCD stations | In 2001, SBC began archiving data high frequency precipitation data from the Santa Barbara County Flood Control District (FCD). Legacy data from these (and other) sites is also available. The SB Co. FCD station number is in parentheses. |
Baron Ranch (262)
Carpinteria Fire Station (208) Cater Water Treatment Plant (229) Cold Springs Basin (210) Dos Pueblos Ranch (226) Doulton Tunnel (231) Edison Trail (252) El Deseo (255) Santa Barbara County Road Yard (211) KTYD (227) Nojoqui Falls Park (236) San Marcos Pass USFS Stn (212) Santa Barbara Co. FCD Eng. Bldg. (234) Stanwood Fire Station (228) Trout Club (242) UCSB200 (200) Gaviota State Park (301) Refugio Pass (429) Tecolote Canyon (280) Glen Annie Canyon (309) Goleta Fire Station (440) Goleta Water District Office (334) Santa Barbara Caltrans Office (335) Botanic Garden (321) Carpinteria Fire Station (383) Montecito (325) Rancho San Julian (389) Buellton (233) |
Daily precipitation (legacy) | SBC has access to climate data from external sources such as the Santa Barbara County Flood Control District. |
Daily Precipitation (County Public Works Dept.)
NCDC climate catalogs | The National Climate Data Center (NCDC) provides a long record of several parameters Their catalog for sites in the Santa Barbara area is available through the links in this data package |
NCDC Climate Data
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of stream discharge | SBC has high-frequency discharge data these sites. Collection at Bell Canyon began in 2004 and at San Pedro in 2008. For all SBC sites, collection began with water-year 2002. At two sites (indicated) data collection is by USGS sites. These sites have ongoing data collections. |
Arroyo Burro Creek
Bell Canyon Creek Gaviota Creek Arroyo Hondo Mission Creek at bridge Mission Creek at Rocky Nook (USGS) Refugio Creek Rattlesnake Creek San Pedro Creek (USGS) |
SBC LTER: Stream discharge at SBC sites (historical sites) | Between 2002 and 2010, SBC collected high-frequency discharge data at several stations. Site coverage varies by year. These sites have historical data collections. |
Atascadero Creek (2005-2008)
Carpinteria Creek (2002-2006) Deveraux Creek (2004-2006) Franklin Creek (2002-2008) San Onofre Creek (2005-2010) Rincon Creek (2005-2008) Santa Monica Creek, Via Real (2003-2006) Santa Monica Creek, upstream (2004-2005) Tecolotito Creek (2004-2006) |
SBC LTER: Ongoing time-series of stream chemistry | Analytes sampled in the SBC streams include major dissolved nutrients, particulates, cations, anions, and occasionally stable isotopes. A number of watersheds with different land uses are sampled. Sampling frequency depends on flow conditions. |
Stream chemistry
SBC LTER: Porewater concentrations and flushing | Data for concentration of ammonium, nitrate and urea in porewaters and overlying nearshore waters to examine efflux and availability to kelp. Temperature data are used to model efflux from sediments. Samples sites included Arroyo Burro, Mission Creek, Refugio and Mohawk. |
Sediment temperature profiles
Urea and ammonium in porewater and overlying water |
Carbon, Nitogen and Hydrogen isotopes | Stable isotope ratio analysis to evaulate relative contribution of primary producers to reef food webs, and at locations adjacent to sources of freshwater runoff, terrestrially-derived material. Samples of algae, terrestrial and oceanic POM, and infauna were collected from SBCLTER research reefs and adjacent areas. |
C, N and H isotopes in algae, terrestrial and oceanic POM, 2009-2010
C, N and H isotopes in epibenthic suspension feeders and M. pyrifera at 3 reefs, 2010-2011 |
Kelp metapopulations | Metapopulation theory suggests that connectivity among habitat patches may act to "rescue" extinct local populations.This theory is tested with M. pyrifera, as it occurs in discrete patches that undergo frequent local extinctions and recolonizations on time scales of a few years. |
M. pyrifera patch definitions
M. pyrifera patch area, biomass and fecundity M. pyrifera spore dispersal times M. pyrifera microsatellite markers |
Taxon-specific biomass relationships for kelp forest invertebrates | Taxon-specific relationships which can be used to estimate biomass density for kelp forest invertebrates using non-distructive field measurements. |
Invertebrate biomass relationships
Biomass relationships and photosynthetic parameters for macroalgae | Taxon-specific relationships used to estimate biomass density from field measurements, and laboratory-derived values for photosynthetic parameters. |
PE and biomass parameters
Kelp blade characteristics to support turnover dynamics of Macrocystis pyrifera | Age-specific traits of giant kelp blades, including size, photosynthesic performance, biomass density, and N and Chl-a content |
Kelp blade characteristics
SBC LTER: Stable Isotopes in reef food webs | Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in reef consumers and potential food sources (phytoplankton, kelp and kelp-derived detritus, and terrestrial POM) were collected from 2002 to 2005. |
Stable isotopes in reef food webs
Kelp forest food web | Feeding relationships for kelp forest species observed in the annual surveys |
Kelp forest food web
Diet effects in the purple sea urchin, 2011 | Data from an experiment to evaluate the effects of algal diet on consumption, growth and gonad weight of an important kelp forest grazer, the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus pupuratus, during Fall and Winter 2010-2011. |
Diet Effects in the Purple Sea Urchin, 2011
Microsatellite markers for giant kelp | Characterization of microsatellite loci of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera |
Kelp microsatellite markers
SBC LTER: Primary production in cleared and control plots 2007-2008 | Understory and phytoplankton production in the kelp removal experiment, Mohawk Reef 2007-2008 |
Benthic and phytoplankton production, cleared and control plots
SBC LTER: Structure and productivity of turf/foliose assemblages | Community structure and productivity of subtidal turf and foliose algal assemblages at Naples Reef, 2006 |
Turf and foliose algal assemblages
Dan Okamoto: Population ecology of reef fish and prey resources | Field and laboratory research, plus statistical models to describe patterns in population dynamics with applications to management. |
Santa Cruz Island: Black surfperch and prey, density effects (1993-2009)
Effect of egg concentration on Stongylocentrotus purpuratus (purple sea urchin) fertilization (2014) Santa Cruz Island: Abundance of black surfperch and prey (1994-2008) |
Geospatial structure of microsatellite markers of giant kelp, 2009 | Microsatellite markers for giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) and associated R code. Data are from individual kelp plants, Carpinteria Reef, Mohawk Reef and Goleta Bay, September 2009. |
Geospatial microsatellite markers, giant kelp
Sargassum horneri in the eastern Pacific coastal areas | Sargassum horneri is native to the western Pacific and first collected near Los Angeles in 2003. It has since spread to the Channel Islands, and other southern California areas. These datasets are related to its occurrence and managment in southern California. |
Sargassum horneri sightings, California and Baja California, since 2003.
Sargassum horneri management |
Nitrogen update in SBC LTER kelp forest, 2016-2017 | Laboratory and in situ rates of uptake of nitrate, ammonium and urea by M. pyrifera and phytoplankton. Field studies were conducted at Mohawk and Carpinteria Reefs. |
Nitrogen uptake by M. pyrifera and phytoplankton
Watersipora subatra sampling at oil/gas platforms | Watersipora subatra is a non-native encrusting bryozoan, which as an early successional species, is particularly efficient at colonizing artificial structures. This study examines community composition and settlement at oil/gas platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel. |
Watersipora subatra recruitment, 2013-2015
SBC LTER: Seasonal Channel-wide Cruises (2001-2006) - CTD/Rosette Profiles | CTD and rosette profile data were collected at >25 stations on 16 channel-wide
cruises to survey hydrographic and biological parameters (e.g., nutrients, particulate carbon
and nitrogen, and primary production). Cruises were conducted seasonally (2-3 times per year)
on the R/V Pt Sur between 2001 and 2006. This collection is also complemented by Towed CTD Transects and shipboard meteorological and current data (see other collections for "Offshore Ocean"). |
LTER01 profiles
LTER02 profiles LTER03 profiles LTER04 profiles LTER05 profiles LTER06 profiles LTER07 profiles LTER08 profiles LTER09 profiles LTER10 profiles LTER11 profiles LTER12 profiles LTER13 profiles LTER14 profiles LTER15 profiles LTER16 profiles |
SBC LTER: Seasonal Channel-wide Cruises (2001-2006) - Towed CTD Transects | An undulating CTD package was towed along cross-channel and along-shore transects on
16 channel-wide cruises to survey hydrographic and biological parameters. Cruises were
conducted seasonally (2-3 times per year) on the R/V Pt Sur between 2001 and 2006. This collection is also complemented by CTD/rosette bottle profiles and shipboard meteorological and current data (see other collections for "Offshore Ocean"). |
LTER01 towed CTD
LTER02 towed CTD LTER03 towed CTD LTER04 towed CTD LTER05 towed CTD LTER06 towed CTD LTER07 towed CTD LTER08 towed CTD LTER09 towed CTD LTER10 towed CTD LTER11 towed CTD LTER12 towed CTD LTER13 towed CTD LTER14 towed CTD LTER15 towed CTD LTER16 towed CTD |
SBC LTER: Seasonal Channel-wide Cruises (2001-2006) - R/V Pt. Sur ADCP, meteorology and sea surface data (UDAS) | Basic meterology, navigation and ADCP (current profiles) were continuously collected
by the ship (R/V Pt Sur) on 16 channel-wide cruises to survey hydrographic and biological
parameters. Cruises were conducted seasonally (2-3 times per year) between 2001 and 2006.
This collection is also complemented by CTD/rosette bottle profiles and towed CTD transects (see other collections for "Offshore Ocean"). |
LTER02-underway LTER03-underway LTER04-underway LTER05-underway LTER06-underway LTER07-underway LTER08-underway LTER09-underway LTER10-underway LTER11-underway LTER12-underway LTER13-underway LTER14-underway LTER15-underway LTER16-underway |
SBC LTER: Cross-shelf phytoplankton and particulates with glider surveys | Autonomous glider deployments (2012 - 2013): sections of temperature, salinity, colored DOM, particulate backscatter and Chlorophyll fluorescence. |
Bio-optical glider cross-shelf sections
SBC LTER: Cross-shelf study, 2008-2009 | Oceanagraphic profiles on a cross-shelf transect were collect to to resolve development of the temporal and spatial gradients in organic and inorganic constituents and related microbial activity and community structure. |
Cross-shelf Study, CTD/Rosette Profiles
Coastal ocean pH variability in the context of global change biology | Studies of the variablilty of pH under different coastal regimes, to examine abiotic and biotic processes contributing to ocean acidification. Data using SeaFET instrumentation (Kapsenberg curriculum) |
Middle school curriculum to study complexity of ocean acidification
Moored SeaFET pH, SeaBird CTD and oxygen, Santa Barbara Channel Islands |
SBC LTER: Beach wrack consumer zonation 2011-2012 | Zonation and distribution of intertidal wrack consumer beds over time, at Isla Vista Beach |
Wrack consumer zonation at Isla Vista, 2011-2012
SBC LTER: Macroalgal wrack, IV 2005-2006 | Composition, cover and biomass of macroalgal wrack in the intertidal zone at Isla Vista Beach |
Cover and biomass at Isla Vista
SBC LTER: Beach porewater and wrack, 2003 | Beach wrack along transects, and dissolved nutrients and salinity of porewaters in all intertidal zones at selected sandy beaches during 2003 |
Beach Porewater, 2003
Pore water constituents and residence times, 2013 | Constituents of beach pore water and parameters for calculating residence times using Radon-222 |
Beach pore water constituents 2013
Nutrient concentrations and algae cover in the Ventura River catchment, 2008 | Macroalgal cover and nutrients during spring and summer 2008 at stream and estuarine sites (undeveloped, agricultural and urban) in the Ventura River catchment. |
Nutrients and algae cover, Ventura River catchment
Fire Perimeters, Santa Barbara area 2004 - 2009 | Four fires burned in areas facing the Santa Barbara Channel between 2004 and 2009. These datasets contain perimeters (greatest extent, as a KML polygon) assembled by the Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination Group (GeoMAC). |
Gaviota Fire Perimeter, June 9, 2004
Gap Fire Perimeter, July 9, 2008 Tea Fire Perimeter, November 15, 2008 Jesuita Fire Perimeter, May 10, 2009 |