Schoolyard Program and K-12 Education

SBC LTER's K12 program, Schoolyard LTER (sLTER), focuses on science and environmental education for both students and teachers using SBC research themes to improve ocean science literacy. These themes provide for the integrated development of programs and content that are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and Common Core.
Our K12 program is coordinated through The REEF, part of the Marine Science Institute’s (MSI) Oceans-to-Classrooms (O2C) education and outreach program. Equipped with state-of-the-art touch tanks and aquaria, The REEF provides an “Ocean View of the World” for students in Southern California.

The SBC LTER Schoolyard program supports K-12 education in several ways:
- Activities on the UCSB campus
- Visits to the classroom (if campus visits are not feasible)
- Professional development for teachers
- Online and printed materials
For K12 Students
We use SBC LTER data to provide rich, place-based hands-on content to support learning in classrooms and after school programs. Grade-specific content is designed by SBC LTER's education coordinator with undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers.
Together, the SBC Schoolyard Program, educational partnerships and public outreach activities have developed several types of educational resources using a variety of media - all designed to bring the Ocean to your Classroom!
For Teachers
Today's students are facing issues of literacy, and environmental and social justice, and our resources for teachers keep that in mind. Professional development for teachers uses their experience and expertise in 2-way exchanges that provide teachers with rich research experiences and students with a better understanding of today's classrooms
For the Public
The REEF welcomes the public during designated Open Door hours. For detailed information, please consult the website.
At community events like Earth Day, Summer Solstice, and the Harbor Festival, we hold hands-on events and exhibits.
Many local school host "Family Science Night" where our scientists and students organize specific events.